Which of the following rules is most likely to be used in an AUP?

(1 point)

Communication should be civil and respectful of one another.
Communication should be civil and respectful of one another.

Private files can be viewed without permission from the owner.
Private files can be viewed without permission from the owner.

Proper credit to the source is not necessary if the material used is only a sentence or two.
Proper credit to the source is not necessary if the material used is only a sentence or two.

Network game playing is acceptable on the user’s time.

Communication should be civil and respectful of one another.

Which of the following is not a quality of a successful AUP?

(1 point)

states acceptable use for school computers
states acceptable use for school computers

covers network etiquette
covers network etiquette

contains a code of conduct for Internet users
contains a code of conduct for Internet users

requires no signatures


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The most likely rule to be used in an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is: "Communication should be civil and respectful of one another."

The most likely rule to be used in an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) would be "Communication should be civil and respectful of one another." AUPs are policies put in place to guide the appropriate and responsible use of a network or system by users. They typically include guidelines for communication, privacy, intellectual property, and acceptable activities.

To determine the correct answer, we can evaluate each option:
1. "Communication should be civil and respectful of one another." - This rule is often included in AUPs to promote a positive online environment and prevent harassment or abusive behavior.
2. "Private files can be viewed without permission from the owner." - This rule goes against common privacy principles and is unlikely to be included in an AUP. Typically, AUPs emphasize respecting the privacy and confidentiality of files and data.
3. "Proper credit to the source is not necessary if the material used is only a sentence or two." - Giving credit to sources is an important aspect of ethical behavior and intellectual property, so this rule is unlikely to be included in an AUP.
4. "Network game playing is acceptable on the user’s time." - While AUPs may address recreational activities and time management, this specific rule is more discretionary and may vary depending on the organization or context. It is not a common or essential rule for an AUP.

Based on this analysis, the most likely rule to be used in an AUP is "Communication should be civil and respectful of one another."