Micah is making a cinnamon and sugar mixture to sprinkle on toast. His recipe uses 1/8 cup of cinnamon and 1/2 Find 1/8+1/2 and interpret this sum in the context of the problem

Reem owes her friend $15.25. Reem works after school and earns $43.78. After paying her friend back, how much money does she have?

To find out how much money Reem has after paying her friend back, we need to subtract the amount she owes ($15.25) from the amount she earned ($43.78).

$43.78 - $15.25 = $28.53

After paying her friend back, Reem has $28.53 left.

To find 1/8 + 1/2, we need to find a common denominator first. The common denominator of 8 and 2 is 8, so we can rewrite the fractions:

1/8 + 1/2 = 1/8 + 4/8

Now, we can add the numerators and keep the common denominator:

1/8 + 4/8 = 5/8

In the context of the problem, the sum 5/8 represents the total amount of the cinnamon and sugar mixture that Micah needs for sprinkling on toast.

It was −3°C this morning, but the temperature has gone up 13°

over the course of the day. What is the temperature now?(1 point)

To find the current temperature, we need to add the increase in temperature (13°C) to the initial temperature (-3°C).

-3°C + 13°C = 10°C

The current temperature is 10°C.

Samuel has $58.23 in his bank account. He withdraws $39.78. How much is in his bank account now?

To find out how much is left in Samuel's bank account after the withdrawal, we need to subtract the amount he withdrew ($39.78) from the initial amount he had ($58.23).

$58.23 - $39.78 = $18.45

There is now $18.45 left in Samuel's bank account.

Zuri earned $56.80 at his job last week. They then spent $40 on a video game. 56.80+(−40)=16.80. Interpret this sum in the context of the problem

The sum of $56.80 + (-40) = $16.80 represents the amount of money Zuri has left after earning $56.80 and spending $40 on a video game.

In other words, Zuri had $56.80 and then spent $40, leaving him with $16.80.

Which of the following is a real-world problem that could be solved with the sum −22+9?(