The pH of a solution with a concentration of H+ equal to 10-4 is __________ Blank 1. Is this solution acidic, basic/alkaline, or neutral?

The pH of a solution with a concentration of H+ equal to 10-4 is 4.

This solution is considered acidic because pH values below 7 indicate acidity.

To find the pH of a solution with a concentration of H+ equal to 10-4, we can use the formula:

pH = -log[H+]

Plugging in the value [H+] = 10-4 into the formula, we have:

pH = -log(10-4)

Now we can calculate the pH step-by-step:

Step 1: Take the logarithm of 10-4:
log(10-4) = -4

Step 2: Negate the result:
-(-4) = 4

Therefore, the pH of the solution with a concentration of H+ equal to 10-4 is 4.

To determine whether the solution is acidic, basic/alkaline, or neutral, we can refer to the pH scale. On the pH scale, pH values below 7 indicate acidity, pH values above 7 indicate alkalinity, and a pH of 7 is neutral.

Since the pH of the solution is 4 (which is below 7), the solution is acidic.