3.4.2.colleges usually have to deal with a number of challenges because of NSFAS bursary application. students attend college and often mid-year they are notified that their bursary applications have not been approved. this leads to students who cannot meet their commitments.

1.advise the college on the process of screening the debtors because eventually students become debtors of the college when they cannot pay what is due. demonstrate by means of a flow chart how the screening should unfold.

To advise the college on the process of screening debtors, I would recommend the following steps to unfold:

1. Identify students who have not paid their fees or outstanding balances: This can be done by obtaining a list of students who have not made full payments or have unpaid fees. The list should include their names, student IDs, and contact details.

2. Review bursary application status: Cross-reference the list of students with the approved bursary application list. Identify those students whose bursary applications were not approved or were rejected. This information can be obtained from the college's financial aid or bursary department.

3. Contact students whose bursary applications were not approved: Notify these students by sending them a formal letter or email, informing them about the status of their bursary application and the outstanding amount they need to pay to the college.

4. Offer alternative payment options: Provide a range of payment solutions to students who cannot afford to pay in full. This could include installment plans, deferred payments, or payment extensions. The college should emphasize the importance of adhering to these alternative payment plans to avoid additional penalties or consequences.

5. Monitor payment progress: Keep track of the students' repayment progress. Maintain a record of payments made and regularly update their account information. If students fail to make the agreed-upon payments, it may be necessary to escalate the matter to the college debt recovery process.

6. Notify relevant departments: Communicate with the relevant college departments, such as the library, accommodation, or exams office, about students who remain indebted to the college. This ensures that these departments are aware of the students' financial status and can take appropriate action if necessary.

7. Provide support and guidance: Alongside the debt screening process, offer students support and guidance to manage their financial situation. Connect them with resources such as financial advisors, budgeting workshops, or counseling services to assist them in handling their financial challenges.

Here is a flowchart demonstrating the screening process:

Input: List of students with outstanding balances
└───> Review bursary application status
└───> Are there students whose bursaries were not approved?
├───> Yes ───> Contact students and notify them
│ └───> Offer alternative payment options
└───> No ───> Continue with monitoring payments and support provision

Note: This flowchart is a generalized representation, and the specific steps may vary depending on the college's policies and procedures.

To advise the college on the process of screening debtors, we can create a step-by-step flowchart as follows:

Step 1: Identify Students with Unapproved NSFAS Bursary Applications
- Check the list of students who have applied for NSFAS bursaries.
- Identify those whose applications have not been approved.

Step 2: Communication with Students
- Notify the students about the status of their bursary application and its disapproval.
- Inform them about the potential consequences of not being able to pay their fees.

Step 3: Assessment of Financial Circumstances
- Request students to provide information regarding their financial circumstances, such as income, expenses, financial dependents, etc.
- Encourage students to provide any necessary supporting documentation.

Step 4: Evaluate Financial Capability
- Assess each student's financial capability to pay their fees based on the information provided.
- Consider factors such as income, expenses, outstanding debt, and available resources.

Step 5: Establish Payment Plan Options
- Based on the evaluation, determine suitable payment plan options for individual students.
- Offer flexible payment arrangements based on their financial circumstances.

Step 6: Communicate Payment Options to Students
- Present the available payment options to the students.
- Explain the terms, conditions, and deadlines associated with each plan.

Step 7: Collect Outstanding Fees
- Monitor the students' adherence to the agreed payment plans.
- Initiate the collection process through reminders, statements, and invoices.

Step 8: Follow-up and Enforcement
- Regularly follow up with students who have not paid their fees according to the agreed payment plan.
- Initiate appropriate enforcement actions, such as penalties, suspension of services, or legal steps if necessary.

Step 9: Review and Evaluation
- Periodically review and evaluate the effectiveness of the screening and collection process.
- Identify any areas of improvement and implement necessary changes.

Note: This flowchart provides a general framework for screening debtors. It may need adjustments based on the specific policies and procedures of the college, as well as any legal requirements applicable in your jurisdiction.