Add −12/7+(3/14). Write your answer as a reduced improper fraction

Add −113+(−42
Add −316+534. Write your answer as a reduced mixed number.
Add 13.92+(−22.111
Add −5.11+(−1.56).


2 7/12

To add -12/7 + 3/14, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 7 and 14 is 14.

Converting -12/7 to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 14, we get -24/14.

Now, we can add the fractions:

-24/14 + 3/14 = (-24 + 3)/14 = -21/14.

To write the answer as a reduced improper fraction, we can simplify it:

-21/14 = -3/2.

Therefore, -12/7 + 3/14 = -3/2.

To add -113 + (-42), simply add the two numbers together:

-113 + (-42) = -155.

Therefore, -113 + (-42) = -155.

To add -316 + 534, we can ignore the signs for now and add the numbers:

316 + 534 = 850.

Next, we need to determine the final sign. Since -316 is negative and 534 is positive, the resulting number will be positive.

Therefore, the answer is 850.

To write the answer as a reduced mixed number, we divide 850 by the denominator (which is 1):

850/1 = 850.

Since the denominator is 1, we can rewrite this as a mixed number by dividing 850 by the denominator:

850 ÷ 1 = 850.

Therefore, -316 + 534 = 850.

To add 13.92 + (-22.111), we simply add the two numbers:

13.92 + (-22.111) = -8.191.

Therefore, 13.92 + (-22.111) = -8.191.

To add -5.11 + (-1.56), we simply add the two numbers:

-5.11 + (-1.56) = -6.67.

Therefore, -5.11 + (-1.56) = -6.67.

To add fractions, follow these steps:

1. Find a common denominator: The denominator of 7 in the first fraction and the denominator of 14 in the second fraction have a common multiple of 14. So, rewrite the fractions with a common denominator:

-12/7 + 3/14 = -24/14 + 3/14

2. Add the numerators: Since the denominators are the same, you can directly add the numerators:

-24/14 + 3/14 = (-24 + 3)/14 = -21/14

3. Simplify the fraction: In order to reduce the fraction, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and divide both by that number:

GCD of 21 and 14 is 7. Divide both the numerator and denominator by 7:

-21/14 = (-21 ÷ 7)/(14 ÷ 7) = -3/2

So, the sum -12/7 + 3/14 is -3/2 as a reduced improper fraction.

To add integers, simply add the numbers:

-113 + (-42) = -155

To add mixed numbers, follow these steps:

1. Add the whole numbers: Add the whole numbers together:

-316 + 534 = 218

2. Add the fractions: Add the fractions together. Since 316 is negative, borrow 1 from the whole number part:

1 - (316/1) + (534/1) = 1 - 316/1 + 534/1

3. Simplify the fractions: Subtract the numerators and keep the same denominator:

1 - 316/1 + 534/1 = 1 - 316 + 534/1 = 1 + 218/1

4. Rewrite as a mixed number: The resulting fraction can be written as a reduced mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

1 + 218/1 = 1 + 218 = 219

So, the sum -316 + 534 is written as a reduced mixed number as 219.

To add decimal numbers, simply add the numbers:

13.92 + (-22.111) = -8.191

Similarly, to add decimal numbers, simply add the numbers:

-5.11 + (-1.56) = -6.67

So, the sums of these expressions are:
1. -3/2
2. -155
3. 219
4. -8.191
5. -6.67