Average integers from 25 to 41

To find the average of a set of consecutive integers, you can add up all the integers and then divide the sum by the count of the integers.

The sum of the integers from 25 to 41 can be found by using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series:

Sum = (first term + last term) * (number of terms) / 2

First term = 25
Last term = 41
Number of terms = (last term - first term) + 1 = 41 - 25 + 1 = 17

Sum = (25 + 41) * 17 / 2
= 66 * 17 / 2
= 1122 / 2
= 561

Now, divide the sum by the number of terms to find the average:

Average = Sum / Number of terms
= 561 / 17
≈ 32.94

Therefore, the average of the integers from 25 to 41 is approximately 32.94.

To find the average of a set of integers from 25 to 41, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the sum of all the integers in the set.
- Sum = 25 + 26 + 27 + ... + 40 + 41

2. Count the number of integers in the set.
- Number of Integers = 41 - 25 + 1

3. Divide the sum by the number of integers to find the average.
- Average = Sum / Number of Integers

Let's do the calculations:

1. Sum = (25 + 41) × (Number of Integers ÷ 2)
Sum = (25 + 41) × (17 ÷ 2)
= (66) × (8.5)
= 561

2. Number of Integers = 41 - 25 + 1
= 17

3. Average = Sum / Number of Integers
= 561 / 17
= 32.94 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the average of the integers from 25 to 41 is approximately 32.94.