Caitlyn read a book. She started reading at 9:45 am and ended at 10:37 am.

How many minutes did Caitlyn read?
45 minutes
50 minutes
52 minutes
55 minutes

Caitlyn started reading at 9:45 am and ended at 10:37 am, which is a total of 52 minutes. Therefore, Caitlyn read for 52 minutes.

To find the number of minutes Caitlyn read, we need to subtract the starting time from the ending time.

The starting time is 9:45 am, which can be written as 9:45.
The ending time is 10:37 am, which can be written as 10:37.

To calculate the difference in minutes, we subtract the starting time from the ending time:

10:37 - 9:45 = 52 minutes

Therefore, Caitlyn read for 52 minutes.