What does the following program print?

Public static void main
Int a = 2;
Int b = 3;
Int c =4;
If (a<b)
If (b<c)

The program does not complete and will not print anything because the closing brackets for the inner if statement are missing.

Which of the following will lead to a complie-time error? Mark all that apply

To determine which code snippets will lead to a compile-time error, let's analyze each snippet:

1. `public static void main(String[] args) {}`
This is a valid and correct way to declare the main method in Java, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

2. `int a = 2;`
This is a valid declaration of a variable, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

3. `int b = 3;`
This is a valid declaration of a variable, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

4. `int c = 4;`
This is a valid declaration of a variable, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

5. `if (a < b) {`
This is a valid if statement, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

6. `if (b < c) {`
This is a valid if statement, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

7. `if (a > b) {`
This is a valid if statement, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

8. `if (c < b) {`
This is a valid if statement, so it will not lead to a compile-time error.

9. `if (a < b) { if (b > c) { }`
This code snippet is missing the closing bracket for the inner if statement, which will lead to a compile-time error.

Therefore, the code snippet that will lead to a compile-time error is number 9 (`if (a < b) { if (b > c) { }`).

Suppose that I and j are both of type int. What is the value of j after following statement is executed?

Unfortunately, you did not provide the statement that is being referred to in the question. Could you please provide the specific statement you are referring to?

The given program does not provide a complete code block. It does not include the closing braces for the innermost "if" statement and the main method. Without those closing braces and the rest of the code, it is not possible to determine what the program will print.

Based on the code you provided, it seems like the question is incomplete as the content inside the inner if statement is missing. In order to determine what the program prints, we would need to know the content inside the inner if statement.

However, based on the provided code, I can explain the structure of the code and how to determine the output:

1. The program starts with defining the main method using the public static void main syntax.
2. Three integer variables `a`, `b`, and `c` are declared and assigned the values 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
3. The first if statement checks if `a` is less than `b`. If this condition is true, the code inside the if statement will be executed.
4. Inside the first if statement, there is another if statement that checks if `b` is less than `c`. If this condition is true, the code inside the inner if statement will be executed.

To determine what the program prints, we need to know the code inside the inner if statement.