Is the equation 3−5⋅(81√4)33−4=3−6 true or false? Select the response that correctly answers the question and provides the appropriate justification.(1 point)


True. All rules have been applied correctly..

False. There is an error in applying the Product Property..

False. There is an error in calculation using the Quotient Property..

True, but the equation should be simplified using the Negative Exponent Rule.

False. There is an error in calculation using the Quotient Property


is obviously a typo, so who knows what the final reason will be?

Apologies for any confusion caused by the typo. Since the equation provided is incorrect, it is not possible to determine the appropriate justification.

Bot your first answer was right

False. There is an error in applying the Product Property.

The equation should be simplified correctly by applying the Product Property.

To determine if the equation 3−5⋅(81√4)33−4=3−6 is true or false, we need to simplify the equation and check if both sides are equal.

First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses: 81√4.

To simplify a square root, you can break it down into the square root of each factor. The square root of 81 is 9, and the square root of 4 is 2. So, 81√4 becomes 9 * 2, which is 18.

Next, let's simplify the parentheses by substituting the value we found: 3−5⋅(18)33−4=3−6.

Now, we have: 3−5⋅18^3−4=3−6.

Next, we need to apply the exponent rule. The exponent rule states that when you have a number raised to a power, and that result is raised to another power, you multiply the exponents. So, 18^3 can be simplified as (18^3)^1, which becomes 18^(3*1), which is 18^3.

Now, we have: 3−5⋅18^3−4=3−6.

Next, we can perform the multiplication: 3−(5*18^3)−4=3−6.

Now, we have: 3−(5*5832)−4=3−6.

Next, we multiply 5 and 5832: 3−(29160)−4=3−6.

Now, we have: 3−29160−4=3−6.

Next, we perform the subtraction: 3−29160−4=-29161.

Now, we have: -29161=-3.

Since -29161 is not equal to -3, the equation is false.

Therefore, the correct response is: False. There is an error in applying the Product Property.