Describe how tree ring dating works. 2-3 sentences

Tree ring dating, also known as dendrochronology, is a method of dating artifacts and geological events based on the patterns of tree rings. Each year, a tree adds a new layer of growth called a tree ring. By analyzing the width, color, and density of these rings, scientists can determine the age of a tree and date events that occurred during its lifetime.

Describe how stratification can help date artifacts found at a site. 2-3 sentences

Stratification refers to the different layers of soil or sediment that accumulate over time at an archaeological site. Artifacts found in deeper layers are generally older than those found in shallower layers. By carefully excavating and documenting the layers of a site, archaeologists can determine the relative chronology of the artifacts and establish a timeline of human activity at the site.

List some ways that a site can be changed over time. 2-3 sentences

A site can be changed over time through natural processes such as erosion, weathering, and sediment deposition. Human activities such as construction, agriculture, and urban development can also significantly alter a site's landscape and stratigraphy. Additionally, cultural practices, such as the intentional burial of objects or the construction of structures, can impact the overall layout and composition of a site.

Tree ring dating, also known as dendrochronology, works by studying the patterns of growth rings in the cross-section of tree trunks. Each ring represents a year of growth, with wider rings indicating favorable growing conditions. By comparing the patterns of rings in different trees and overlapping them, scientists can create a chronology of growth patterns that can be used to date archaeological and historical samples.

Tree ring dating, also known as dendrochronology, is a scientific method for determining the age of a tree by examining its growth rings. Each year, a tree adds a new layer, or ring, of growth under its bark. By analyzing the unique pattern of wide and narrow rings, scientists can compare the growth patterns of different trees and cross-reference them with established chronologies to determine the age of a tree or the date of a wooden artifact.