based on the data collected about 100 museums during one year they found that 16195 people, the 41% of them were over the age of 55. How many visitors were below or equal to the age of 55

To find the number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55, we first need to find the number of visitors over the age of 55.

41% of 16,195 = (41/100) * 16,195 = 6647.95

We can round this number to the nearest whole number as we cannot have a fraction of a visitor.

So, the number of visitors over the age of 55 is 6,648.

To find the number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55, we subtract this from the total number of visitors:

16,195 - 6,648 = 9547

Therefore, there were 9,547 visitors below or equal to the age of 55.


I apologize for the mistake. Let's calculate it correctly.

Given that 41% of the visitors were over the age of 55, we can calculate the number of visitors in two steps.
Step 1: Calculate the total number of visitors by dividing the given number by the percentage (41%).

Total number of visitors = 16,195 / 0.41 ≈ 39,634.15

Since we cannot have a fraction of a visitor, we can round the number to the nearest whole number.

Total number of visitors ≈ 39,634

Step 2: Calculate the number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55 by subtracting the number of visitors over the age of 55 from the total number of visitors.

Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = Total number of visitors - Number of visitors over 55

Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = 39,634 - 16,195 ≈ 23,439

Therefore, there were approximately 23,439 visitors below or equal to the age of 55.


Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's recalculate.

Given that 41% of the visitors were over the age of 55, we can calculate the number of visitors in two steps.

Step 1: Calculate the number of visitors over the age of 55 by multiplying the total number of visitors by the percentage (41%).

Number of visitors over 55 = 16,195 * 0.41 = 6,648.95

Since we cannot have a fraction of a visitor, we can round the number to the nearest whole number.

Number of visitors over 55 ≈ 6,649

Step 2: Calculate the number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55 by subtracting the number of visitors over the age of 55 from the total number of visitors.

Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = Total number of visitors - Number of visitors over 55

Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = 16,195 - 6,649 = 9,546

Therefore, there were 9,546 visitors below or equal to the age of 55.

To find the number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55, we need to subtract the number of visitors over the age of 55 from the total number of visitors.

Total number of visitors = 16195
Percentage of visitors over the age of 55 = 41%

Let's calculate the number of visitors over the age of 55 first:

Number of visitors over 55 = (41/100) * Total number of visitors
Number of visitors over 55 = (41/100) * 16195

Now, we can find the number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55:

Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = Total number of visitors - Number of visitors over 55
Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = 16195 - (41/100) * 16195

Let's calculate the result:

Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = 16195 - (41/100) * 16195
Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = 16195 - (0.41) * 16195
Number of visitors below or equal to 55 = 16195 - 6653.95
Number of visitors below or equal to 55 ≈ 9541.05

Therefore, there were approximately 9541 visitors below or equal to the age of 55.

To find the number of visitors who were below or equal to the age of 55, we need to subtract the number of visitors over the age of 55 from the total number of visitors.

First, let's calculate the number of visitors over the age of 55:

41% of the total visitors were over the age of 55.
So, 41% of 16195 is (41/100) * 16195 = 6647.95 (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Since we can't have a fraction of a person, we round it to 6648.

Now, let's subtract the number of visitors over the age of 55 from the total number of visitors:

Total visitors - Visitors over the age of 55 = Visitors below or equal to the age of 55
16195 - 6648 = 9547

Therefore, there were 9547 visitors who were below or equal to the age of 55.