What are two features of the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

many died due to widespread smallpox epidemics
no substantial improvement in roadways and postal services
many farmers became industrial workers
people moved from urban areas to rural lands
people moved from rural places to urban areas

Two features of the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are:

1. Many farmers became industrial workers: The Industrial Revolution led to a significant shift in labor and economic practices, as many farmers left their agricultural work behind to seek employment in the emerging industrial sector. This change resulted in the growth of urban areas and the establishment of new industries.

2. People moved from rural areas to urban areas: As the industrial sector expanded, there was a significant migration of people from rural areas to urban centers. This movement was driven by the promise of better job opportunities and improved living standards in cities, where factories and industries were concentrated. This influx of people into urban areas led to unprecedented urbanization and the formation of crowded and densely populated industrial cities.

Two features of the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were:

1. Transformation of the workforce: The Industrial Revolution led to a significant shift in the composition of the workforce. Many farmers transitioned from their traditional agricultural occupations to becoming industrial workers in factories and mills. This shift from an agrarian-based economy to an industrial one resulted in the growth of cities and the rise of urbanization.

2. Technological advancements: The Industrial Revolution was characterized by numerous technological innovations that revolutionized various industries. New machines and technologies were developed, such as steam engines, textile machinery, and the mechanization of agriculture. These innovations boosted productivity, increased the efficiency of production processes, and brought about significant economic growth.