Use the mass and volume data to calculate the density of an unknown metal to the nearest hundredth.

Mass of unknown metal = 222.50 g

Volume of unknown metal = 25.00

What is the density of the unknown metal?


To calculate the density, we divide the mass by the volume:

Density = Mass / Volume

Substituting in the given values:

Density = 222.50 g / 25.00 cm^3

Dividing these values:

Density = 8.90 g/cm^3

So, the density of the unknown metal is 8.90 g/cm^3.

To calculate the density of the unknown metal, we need to use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

Given that the mass of the unknown metal is 222.50 g and the volume is 25.00 mL, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Density = 222.50 g / 25.00 mL

Calculating this, we find:

Density = 8.90 g/mL.

Therefore, the density of the unknown metal is 8.90 g/mL.