Tru or false

2. Sand fly control involves house spraying and insecticidal fogging of out-door resting
3. Targets and traps of dark blue or black cloth impregnated with pyrethroids mounted on
poles or trees cannot be used to kill tsetse flies attracted to them_________
4. Sand fly control remains impossible because breeding sites of most species are
5. A bite by deer fly does not result into severe allergic symptoms due to saliva pumped into
bite wounds to prevent blood-clotting________
6. Larviciding and drainage of larval habitats cannot control deer flies________
7. Most asthmatic people are allergic to cockroaches, their cast-off skins or excreta and
some of the health people also develop reactions________
8. Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites produces extensive local necrosis in the large
intestine when they divide ________________
9. Extraintestinal invasion by trophozoites never leads to secondary involvement of other

2. True

3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False

True or false . give resons for your answer .

2. Sand fly control involves house spraying and insecticidal fogging of out-door resting
3. Targets and traps of dark blue or black cloth impregnated with pyrethroids mounted on
poles or trees cannot be used to kill tsetse flies attracted to them_________
4. Sand fly control remains impossible because breeding sites of most species are
5. A bite by deer fly does not result into severe allergic symptoms due to saliva pumped into
bite wounds to prevent blood-clotting________
6. Larviciding and drainage of larval habitats cannot control deer flies________
7. Most asthmatic people are allergic to cockroaches, their cast-off skins or excreta and
some of the health people also develop reactions________
8. Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites produces extensive local necrosis in the large
intestine when they divide ________________
9. Extraintestinal invasion by trophozoites never leads to secondary involvement of other

2. True: Sand fly control often involves house spraying and insecticidal fogging of outdoor resting sites. This helps to reduce the population of sand flies and their potential to transmit diseases.

3. False: Targets and traps of dark blue or black cloth impregnated with pyrethroids can be used to attract and kill tsetse flies. The insects are attracted to the color and are then exposed to the insecticide.

4. False: While some breeding sites of sand flies may be unknown, control measures can still be implemented. This includes targeting known resting and breeding sites, such as household areas and animal shelters, and using insecticides or other control methods.

5. True: Deer fly bites typically do not result in severe allergic symptoms. The saliva of deer flies contains anticoagulant properties, which prevent the blood from clotting and facilitate feeding. However, some individuals may have mild allergic reactions to the bite.

6. False: Larviciding and drainage of larval habitats can help control deer flies. By targeting and eliminating their breeding sites, the population of deer flies can be reduced.

7. True: Cockroaches and their cast-off skins and excreta can trigger allergic reactions in most asthmatic individuals. Some non-asthmatic individuals may also develop reactions, although it is less common.

8. True: Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites, the active form of the parasite, can cause extensive local necrosis in the large intestine when they divide. This can lead to tissue damage and inflammation.

9. False: Extraintestinal invasion by Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites can lead to secondary involvement of other organs. The trophozoites can travel through the bloodstream and reach various organs, such as the liver, lungs, and brain, causing damage and potentially severe complications.

2. False. Sand fly control involves a combination of methods including house spraying, insecticidal fogging of outdoor resting sites, and other measures like insecticide-treated bed nets.

3. False. Targets and traps with dark blue or black cloth impregnated with pyrethroids can be used to attract and kill tsetse flies.
4. False. While the breeding sites of some sand fly species may be unknown, it is not accurate to say that sand fly control is impossible. Control methods such as insecticide spraying and elimination of breeding sites can still be effective.
5. True. A bite by a deer fly may result in allergic reactions due to the saliva that is pumped into the bite wound to prevent blood clotting.
6. False. Larviciding and drainage of larval habitats can be effective methods to control deer flies by targeting their breeding sites.
7. True. Most asthmatic people are allergic to cockroaches, including their cast-off skins and excreta. Some non-asthmatic individuals may also develop allergic reactions to cockroaches.
8. True. Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites, the active form of the parasite, can cause extensive local necrosis in the large intestine when they divide.
9. False. Extraintestinal invasion by Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites can lead to secondary involvement of other organs, such as the liver, lungs, and brain.