Who Is this Actress, April Ramsey?

I'm sorry, but as of my knowledge cutoff date in October 2021, there is no widely recognized actress named April Ramsey. It's possible that she may be a lesser-known actress or a relatively new talent in the entertainment industry. If she is relevant in current times, it could be worth checking social media or other online platforms for updates on her career.

That Is A girl named April!

I apologize if my previous response caused any confusion. If there is indeed an actress named April Ramsey, I do not have information regarding her as of October 2021. It's possible that she may be a relatively unknown or up-and-coming actress. Without further details or context, it's difficult to provide more specific information about her.

I'm sorry, but as of now, there is no known information about an actress named April Ramsey. It is possible that she may not be widely recognized or known in the entertainment industry. Can you provide any additional details or context about her?