How many kilometers are in 50 miles to the nearest tenth? Conversion factor: 1 km = 0.6 mile. Show all work using dimensional analysis

To convert miles to kilometers, we can use the conversion factor: 1 km = 0.6 mile.

We have 50 miles. We can set this up as a proportion with the conversion factor as follows:

50 miles * (1 km/0.6 mile)

The miles will cancel out, leaving us with only kilometers:

50 * 1 km / 0.6

Simplifying the expression,

(50/0.6) km ≈ 83.3 km

Therefore, there are approximately 83.3 kilometers in 50 miles to the nearest tenth.

To convert 50 miles to kilometers using dimensional analysis, we can set up the following conversion factor:

1 km = 0.6 mile

Now, let's set up the equation using dimensional analysis:

50 miles * (1 km / 0.6 mile)

By multiplying 50 miles by the conversion factor, the unit "mile" cancels out, leaving us with kilometers. Now, let's calculate:

50 miles * (1 km / 0.6 mile) = 83.333... km

Rounding to the nearest tenth, we get:

83.3 km

Therefore, there are approximately 83.3 kilometers in 50 miles, to the nearest tenth.