The patient's weight is 3,400 gm. How many kilograms does the patient weigh? Show all work using dimensional analysis

To convert grams to kilograms, we need to know that 1 kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams.

We can set up a conversion factor using this information:

1 kilogram / 1,000 grams

To find the weight of the patient in kilograms, we can multiply the given weight of 3,400 grams by the conversion factor:

3,400 grams * (1 kilogram / 1,000 grams) = 3.4 kilograms

Therefore, the patient weighs 3.4 kilograms.

To convert grams to kilograms using dimensional analysis, we need to know the conversion factor between grams and kilograms.

The conversion factor between grams and kilograms is as follows:

1 kilogram = 1000 grams

Now, let's use dimensional analysis to convert 3,400 grams to kilograms.

Step 1: Start with the given value
3,400 grams

Step 2: Write down the conversion factor
1 kilogram = 1000 grams

Step 3: Set up the dimensional analysis equation
3,400 grams * (1 kilogram / 1000 grams)

Step 4: Simplify the equation
3,400 grams * 1 kilogram / 1000 grams

Step 5: Cancel out the units that appear both in the numerator and denominator
3,400 grams * 1 kilogram / 1000 grams = 3.4 kilograms

Therefore, the patient weighs 3.4 kilograms.