How many eggs are in 10 dozen? Conversion factor: 12 eggs = 1 dozen. Show all work using dimensional analysis

To convert from dozens to eggs, we can use the conversion factor: 12 eggs = 1 dozen

So, to find the number of eggs in 10 dozen, we can use dimensional analysis:

10 dozen * 12 eggs/1 dozen = 120 eggs

Therefore, there are 120 eggs in 10 dozen.

To convert dozens to eggs, we can use the conversion factor 12 eggs = 1 dozen.

Step 1: Write down the given information.
10 dozen

Step 2: Set up the conversion factor as a fraction.
12 eggs / 1 dozen

Step 3: Set up the dimensional analysis equation, placing the given information on the opposite side of the conversion factor.
10 dozen * (12 eggs / 1 dozen)

Step 4: Simplify by canceling out the units.
(10 * 12) eggs

Step 5: Calculate the result.
120 eggs

Therefore, there are 120 eggs in 10 dozen.