How many nurses per shift will be needed for a new 480-bed hospital? Conversion factor: 1 nurse per 12 beds per shift. Round answer to nearest whole number. Show all work using dimensional analysis

To determine the number of nurses per shift needed for a 480-bed hospital, we'll use dimensional analysis:

1 nurse / 12 beds per shift

480 beds * (1 nurse / 12 beds) = 40 nurses

Therefore, a new 480-bed hospital will need 40 nurses per shift.

To find the number of nurses per shift needed for a new 480-bed hospital, we can use dimensional analysis.

Number of beds = 480
Conversion factor: 1 nurse per 12 beds per shift

We can set up the conversion factor as follows:

1 nurse / 12 beds

Now we can set up the conversion using dimensional analysis:

480 beds × (1 nurse / 12 beds) = (480/12) nurses

Dividing 480 by 12 gives us 40 nurses.

Therefore, 40 nurses per shift will be needed for the new 480-bed hospital.