How many meters are in 30 yards? Show all work using dimensional analysis

To convert yards to meters, we can use the conversion factor of 1 yard = 0.9144 meters.

Therefore, we can set up the following dimensional analysis:

30 yards * (0.9144 meters / 1 yard)

Now we can cancel out the yards units:

30 * (0.9144 meters / 1) = 27.432 meters

Therefore, there are 27.432 meters in 30 yards.

To convert yards to meters, we can use the conversion factor:

1 yard = 0.9144 meters

Now, let's set up the dimensional analysis:

(30 yards) * (0.9144 meters / 1 yard)

Using dimensional analysis, we multiply the given value by the conversion factor:

(30 yards) * (0.9144 meters / 1 yard) = (30 * 0.9144) meters

Calculating the product:

(30 * 0.9144) meters = 27.432 meters

Therefore, there are 27.432 meters in 30 yards.