When referencing a website in the bibliography/reference list, what information should be included?

Author's name (if available), date of publication (if available), and the date of access to the website, without including the full URL (web address) in the in-text citation or reference list

Website title in sentence case (with only the first letter of the first word capitalized), date of publication (if available), and the full URL (web address) of the website

Author's name (if available), date of publication (if available), and the full URL (web address) of the website

Website title in italics (with the first letter of each major word capitalized), date of publication (if available), and the full URL (web address) of the website.

The correct answer is: Author's name (if available), date of publication (if available), and the full URL (web address) of the website.

When referencing a website in the bibliography/reference list, the information that should be included depends on the citation style you are using. However, a commonly accepted format includes the author's name (if available), the date of publication (if available), and the full URL (web address) of the website.

For example, in APA style, the format would be:

Author's name (if available). (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage/document. Retrieved from URL

In MLA style, the format would be:

Author's name (if available). "Title of the webpage/document." Title of the website, Date of publication (if available), URL.

In both cases, it is important to note that the date of access to the website is not typically included in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the in-text citation if it is relevant to the context.