What made the gods want to create Earth?

(1 point)

They were tired of living in darkness.
They were tired of living in darkness.

They thought it would be a nice gift for Earth Goddess.
They thought it would be a nice gift for Earth Goddess.

They saw the monster moving on the water.
They saw the monster moving on the water.

They were ashamed and needed to create something.

They were tired of living in darkness.

According to different mythologies, the reason why the gods wanted to create Earth may vary. However, here are a few possible reasons:

- They were tired of living in darkness.
- They thought it would be a nice gift for Earth Goddess.
- They saw a monster moving on the water.
- They were ashamed and needed to create something.

Please note that these are just some possibilities and the exact reason may differ depending on the specific mythology you are referring to.