Main difference between reducing agent and oxidizing agents

The main difference between reducing agents and oxidizing agents lies in their ability to gain or lose electrons:

1. Reducing Agent: A reducing agent is a substance that has a tendency to donate or lose electrons to another substance. It becomes oxidized in the process as it loses electrons. Reducing agents are often referred to as electron donors since they promote reduction (gain of electrons) in another substance.

2. Oxidizing Agent: An oxidizing agent is a substance that has a tendency to accept or gain electrons from another substance. It becomes reduced in the process as it gains electrons. Oxidizing agents are often referred to as electron acceptors since they promote oxidation (loss of electrons) in another substance.

In summary, reducing agents facilitate reduction by losing electrons, while oxidizing agents facilitate oxidation by gaining electrons.

The main difference between reducing agents and oxidizing agents lies in their ability to gain or lose electrons.

1. Reducing Agents:
A reducing agent is a substance that has a tendency to donate electrons to other substances, causing them to be reduced. In other words, reducing agents are electron donors. They have a higher electron concentration and are capable of undergoing oxidation themselves. By giving away or reducing the number of their electrons, reducing agents facilitate the reduction of another substance.

2. Oxidizing Agents:
On the other hand, an oxidizing agent is a substance that has a tendency to accept electrons from other substances, causing them to be oxidized. Oxidizing agents are electron acceptors and have a higher electron affinity. They gain electrons from other substances and are thus reduced themselves. By accepting or oxidizing electrons from another substance, oxidizing agents facilitate the oxidation of that substance.

So, the key difference lies in the transfer of electrons: reducing agents donate electrons and are oxidized themselves, while oxidizing agents accept electrons and are reduced themselves.