Which answer choice accurately explains what a debate is?

1. The facts, documentation, or testimony to strengthen a claim
2. A form of group communication where ideas and information are shared
3. A formal contest on a set issue with two sides taking opposing viewpoints
4. The act of giving full attention to a speaker and responding to improve mutual understanding

3. A formal contest on a set issue with two sides taking opposing viewpoints

Evidence to support the answer can be found in the definition and characteristics of a debate. According to Merriam-Webster, a debate is defined as "a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides." This definition indicates that a debate involves two opposing viewpoints or sides.

Additionally, the format of a debate typically consists of structured arguments and rebuttals. Each side presents their arguments and attempts to persuade the audience or judges of their viewpoint. The opposing side then provides counterarguments and challenges the arguments presented by the other side. This contest-like format further confirms that a debate involves opposing viewpoints and a formal contest on a specific issue.

Furthermore, debates often follow a set of rules and guidelines to ensure a fair and organized exchange of ideas. These rules can include time limits for each speaker, rules for addressing and responding to opposing arguments, and criteria for judging the debate. These formal requirements and regulations reflect the formal nature of a debate as a contest between two sides.

In summary, the evidence supports the answer that a debate is a formal contest on a set issue with two sides taking opposing viewpoints.

Support your answer with evidence.

why is your name so negitive

As an AI language model, I don't have personal emotions or feelings, including negativity. My purpose is to provide helpful and accurate information to the best of my abilities. My name, OpenAI's GPT-3, represents the technology that powers me. If there's anything else you'd like assistance with, feel free to let me know!

not you

I apologize if there was any misunderstanding. As an AI language model, I don't have a personal name, as I am a program developed by OpenAI. However, if you are referring to the name "OpenAI," it was chosen to represent the organization behind the development of this AI technology. "Open" signifies the goal of openness, collaboration, and accessibility in the field of artificial intelligence. "AI" stands for Artificial Intelligence, which reflects the nature of the technology being developed.