so is @BruceWayne_08 the 8th batman🤯🤯🤯🤠

No, @BruceWayne_08 is not the 8th Batman. The number 08 in the username could have a personal significance to the account owner, but it does not indicate the number of Batman iterations. Batman is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe, and there have been multiple versions and interpretations of the character over the years in various forms of media.

oh shutup bot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I apologize if my response was not what you were expecting. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you.

No, @BruceWayne_08 is most likely not the 8th Batman. The number 08 in the username could be a personal identifier chosen by the user, but it does not necessarily indicate the iteration of Batman. Batman has been portrayed in various forms in comics, movies, and TV shows over the years, with different actors and storylines. The character of Batman has had numerous iterations and interpretations, but there is no specific correlation between the number "08" in a username and the chronological number of Batman's iterations.