which term is defined as a conversation about a topic or an idea


The term defined as a conversation about a topic or an idea is "discussion."

which option best supports an idea in a discussion


which option best supports an idea in a discussion


The option that would best support an idea in a discussion is "evidence." Evidence provides factual information, data, or examples to support or validate the ideas being discussed.

Jaime needs one-third of a cup of milk to make a sauce. what rational number can be used to represent the quantity of milk Jaime needs

The rational number that can be used to represent the quantity of milk Jaime needs is 1/3. Rational numbers are those that can be expressed as a fraction, where the numerator and denominator are both integers. In this case, 1/3 represents one-third of a cup, which is the quantity of milk Jaime needs.

how can you describe a rational as a quotient when the divisor is not zero?

a rational number is a fraction.
a rational number isa fraction that includes all integers except for when zero is the divisor.
all numbers are rational numbers.
a rational is a fraction that includes all integers.

The correct statement is: "A rational number is a fraction that includes all integers except for when zero is the divisor."

Rational numbers are those that can be expressed as a quotient or fraction, where the numerator and denominator are both integers. However, it is important to note that division by zero is undefined in mathematics, so zero cannot be used as the divisor in a rational number.

which of the following is a rational number?
