You notice your personal computer is running slow what will not make your computer run faster

There are several factors that can contribute to a computer running slow. Here are a few things that will not make your computer run faster:

1. Ignoring software updates: Failing to update your operating system and software can impact your computer's performance. Regular updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and performance enhancements that can help optimize your computer's performance.

2. Filling up your storage: Running out of storage space on your hard drive or SSD can affect your computer's speed. Deleting unnecessary files and applications can free up space and improve performance. However, adding more storage to your computer will not always make it run faster unless the existing storage is nearly full.

3. Keeping too many startup programs: When you turn on your computer, several background programs may start automatically. Having too many startup programs can slow down your computer's boot time and overall performance. Managing your startup programs and disabling unnecessary ones can help improve speed.

4. Ignoring malware and viruses: Malware, viruses, and other malicious software can significantly impact your computer's performance. Ignoring antivirus scans and not taking appropriate measures to remove malware will not help your computer run faster. Regularly scanning your computer and using reliable antivirus software can help keep your system optimized.

5. Not cleaning temporary files: Temporary files accumulate over time and can consume valuable storage space and slow down your computer. Regularly cleaning your temporary files using tools like Disk Cleanup (Windows) or Disk Utility (Mac) can help improve performance.

6. Overloading with browser extensions: Too many browser extensions can negatively affect your internet browsing speed. Uninstalling or disabling unnecessary extensions can help optimize your browsing experience.

It's important to note that these factors may not be the sole reason for a slow computer, and other hardware-related issues or outdated components can also impact performance.

There are several things that may not make your computer run faster if you notice it is running slow. Here are a few:

1. Not clearing temporary files: Over time, temporary files can accumulate and take up valuable storage space. Failing to regularly clear these files can slow down your computer's performance.

2. Ignoring software updates: Software updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements. Delaying or skipping these updates may prevent your computer from running efficiently.

3. Running multiple resource-intensive programs simultaneously: Running several demanding applications at the same time can strain your computer's resources and slow it down. To improve performance, it's advisable to close unnecessary programs or prioritize tasks.

4. Not scanning for malware: Malware infections can significantly impact your computer's speed and overall performance. Neglecting regular malware scans can allow these threats to persist and hinder your computer's performance.

5. Filling up the hard drive: When your hard drive is nearly full, it can affect your computer's performance. Insufficient free space can slow down file operations, system functions, and even result in crashes. It is recommended to regularly clear unnecessary files and ensure sufficient free space on your hard drive.

Remember that these are some common factors, and there may be other reasons why your computer is running slow.