The RoundHouse Pizza Parlor in Bigtown had 6 toppings (besides cheese which was on every pizza) available for their pizzas. How many different pizzas could they make from these 6 toppings? They can use any combination of all or none of the toppings on a pizza.

For each topping, they have two choices: to include it or not include it on a particular pizza. Since they have 6 toppings, the number of choices they have for each topping is 2. Therefore, the total number of different pizzas they can make is 2 raised to the power of 6.


Therefore, the RoundHouse Pizza Parlor could make 64 different pizzas using these 6 toppings.

To find the number of different pizzas that can be made using the 6 toppings, we can use the concept of combinations.

Since each topping can either be included or not included on a pizza, it represents a binary choice (either a topping is there or it isn't).

For each topping, there are two choices: include it or don't include it.

Therefore, the total number of different combinations of these 6 toppings is 2 multiplied by itself 6 times, which can be calculated as:

2^6 = 64

So, the RoundHouse Pizza Parlor in Bigtown can make 64 different pizzas using these 6 toppings.