on their way to school two friends find a wallet with a large amount of money. one wants to keep the money and not return the wallet to the owner but the other is against the idea. write a dialogue between the two friends

Friend A: Hey, look what I found on the ground! It's a wallet, and it feels pretty heavy. Let's see what's inside.

Friend B: Wait, hold on. We should try to find the owner and return it. It's the right thing to do.

Friend A: Come on, why do we have to bother? I mean, there's a large amount of money in here. Think about what we could do with it!

Friend B: I understand that it's tempting, but consider this: if you lost your wallet, wouldn't you want someone to return it to you with everything inside?

Friend A: I suppose you're right, but at the same time, it's not like we're facilitating a terrible crime here. We could use this money for our own good.

Friend B: But that still doesn't make it right, my friend. Keeping it would be dishonest. Besides, we never know how desperately the owner may need this money. What if this is their last bit of savings?

Friend A: I get your point, but it's so hard to resist the urge to keep it. We could just take a little amount and still return the wallet.

Friend B: No, that's not an option either. That's essentially stealing, even if we return the majority of it. Let's think about this from a moral standpoint. Doing the right thing will always be more rewarding in the long run.

Friend A: I guess you're right. It's just difficult to resist the temptation. But fine, we'll find the owner and return the wallet with everything inside, even if we don't gain anything from it.

Friend B: Thank you for understanding. I know it's sometimes tough to make the right decisions, but I believe this is the best course of action. I'm glad we're on the same page on this.

Friend A: Yeah, I suppose sometimes it takes a good friend to remind us what's truly important. Let's do the right thing and find the owner of this wallet together.

Friend 1: Hey, look at this! We found a wallet on our way to school.

Friend 2: Oh wow, really? Let me see.

Friend 1: Look inside, there's a large amount of money.

Friend 2: Whoa, that's a lot of money! But wait, we should find a way to return this to the owner.

Friend 1: Why would we do that? We found it fair and square.

Friend 2: Well, just because we found it doesn't make it ours. Imagine if we lost our wallet, wouldn't we want someone to return it?

Friend 1: But this is different. We stumbled upon it, and it's their fault for losing it.

Friend 2: I understand that it could be tempting to keep the money, but it's not the right thing to do. We should try to find the owner and return it.

Friend 1: And what if they never find out who took it? We could use the money for something good.

Friend 2: That doesn't justify keeping it. It's not honest, and it goes against our values. We should always strive to be honest and do the right thing, even when it's difficult.

Friend 1: But think about all the things we could buy with that money!

Friend 2: Material things aren't more important than our integrity. We should consider the impact our actions have on others and their trust in us.

Friend 1: I never really thought about it that way. You're right, it wouldn't feel good to keep something that doesn't belong to us.

Friend 2: Exactly. Let's try to find any identification in the wallet or ask around if someone has lost one. We need to do our best to return it to the rightful owner.

Friend 1: You're absolutely right. I guess sometimes it takes a friend to remind us of what's truly important.