What is the index number of "tacos" in this list:*

foods = ["tacos", "burritos", "nachos"]

The index number of "tacos" in this list is 0.

What is the index number of "steve" in this list:*

users = ["daniel", "jim", "steve"]

The index number of "steve" in this list is 2.

Write Python program which checks if a user is in the correct height range to ride a roller coaster. You should:*

- Create a function called `check_height()`
- It should take one parameter,`height`, which is a float
- In the `check_height()` function:
- If the `height` is less than 5.2 or more than 7.5, display: "You cannot ride the roller coaster".
- If the`height` is between 5.2 and 7.5 (inclusive), display: "You can ride the roller coaster".
- In the main area of your program:
- Prompt the user for their height and store their response in a variable.
- Don't forget to convert to the correct data type!
- Use the `check_height()` function with the user-provided height to see if they can ride the roller coaster.

Here's the Python program that checks if a user is in the correct height range to ride a roller coaster:

def check_height(height):
if height < 5.2 or height > 7.5:
print("You cannot ride the roller coaster")
print("You can ride the roller coaster")

# Prompt the user for their height
user_height = float(input("Enter your height: "))

# Check if the user can ride the roller coaster

In this program, we define the `check_height()` function that takes a height parameter. Inside the function, we check if the height is less than 5.2 or greater than 7.5. If it is, we print "You cannot ride the roller coaster". Otherwise, we print "You can ride the roller coaster".

In the main area of the program, we prompt the user for their height and store their response in the `user_height` variable. We then call the `check_height()` function with the `user_height` to determine if the user can ride the roller coaster.

To find the index number of "tacos" in the list, you can use the index() method. Here is how you can do it step-by-step:

1. Start by defining the list of foods:
foods = ["tacos", "burritos", "nachos"]

2. Use the index() method to find the index number of "tacos":
index_number = foods.index("tacos")

3. The variable `index_number` now contains the index number of "tacos" in the list. In this case, it is 0.

Therefore, the correct answer is 0.

To find the index number of "tacos" in the list, you can use the `index()` method in Python. Here is an example of how you can use it:

foods = ["tacos", "burritos", "nachos"]
index_number = foods.index("tacos")

Running this code will output `0`, which is the index number of "tacos" in the list.