Which idea was supported by Aristarchus, Copernicus, and Galileo?

The planets have epicycles.
The planets revolve around the Sun.
The stars rotate around the Sun.
The center of the solar system is Earth.

The idea supported by Aristarchus, Copernicus, and Galileo is that the planets revolve around the Sun.

Which two gaseous giants did Renaissance scientists such as Galileo know about?

Jupiter and Saturn
Mars and Neptune
Neptune and Uranus
Uranus and Saturn

The two gaseous giants that Renaissance scientists such as Galileo knew about were Jupiter and Saturn.

How did Kepler’s discoveries contribute to astronomy?

They supported the heliocentric model.
They established the laws of planetary motion.
They explained how the Sun rises and sets.
They made astronomy accessible to people who spoke Italian.

Kepler's discoveries contributed to astronomy by establishing the laws of planetary motion.

What do comets and asteroids have in common?

They are made of ice.
They orbit the Sun.
They are made of metal debris.
They are at the center of the solar system.

Comets and asteroids have in common that they orbit the Sun.

Which idea did Ptolemy’s model use to explain why the planets appeared to move backward as they moved in their orbits?

The planets spun in epicycles.
The planets rotated on their axes.
The planets revolved around the Sun.
The planets were made of different materials.

Ptolemy's model used the idea of the planets spinning in epicycles to explain why they appeared to move backward as they moved in their orbits.

Why was Copernicus’s heliocentric model not believed until Galileo and Kepler provided more evidence?

The model had the moon orbiting Earth.
The model was against religious teachings.
The model could not explain retrograde motion.
The model did not include all eight planets in the solar system.