You are snow skiing down a mountain that is represented by the linear model y = -30x + 6,000 where y is the number of feet after x seconds. Predict your elevation level in feet if you ski 60 seconds

To predict your elevation level after skiing for 60 seconds, we need to substitute x = 60 into the linear model equation y = -30x + 6,000.

Let's calculate it:
y = -30(60) + 6,000
y = -1,800 + 6,000
y = 4,200

Therefore, your elevation level in feet after skiing for 60 seconds would be 4,200 feet.

To predict your elevation level in feet after skiing for 60 seconds, we can substitute the value of x into the equation y = -30x + 6,000.

Let's calculate it:

y = -30x + 6,000

y = -30(60) + 6,000

y = -1,800 + 6,000

y = 4,200 feet

Therefore, your elevation level after skiing for 60 seconds would be 4,200 feet.