Dylan's monthly salary is 2000 €. His rent represents 35 % of his salary. His car represents 1/5. And food is 20 %.

Calculate what Dylan has left each month.

To calculate what Dylan has left each month, we need to subtract his expenses from his monthly salary.

First, let's calculate the amount of rent: 2000 € * 35% = 700 €.
Next, let's calculate the amount spent on the car: 2000 € * 1/5 = 400 €.
Then, let's calculate the amount spent on food: 2000 € * 20% = 400 €.

To find out what Dylan has left each month, we subtract the sum of his expenses from his monthly salary: 2000 € - 700 € - 400 € - 400 € = 500 €.

Therefore, Dylan has 500 € left each month.

To calculate what Dylan has left each month, we need to subtract his expenses from his monthly salary.

Step 1: Calculate the amount of money Dylan spends on his rent:
Rent = 35% of 2000 € = 0.35 * 2000 € = 700 €

Step 2: Calculate the amount of money Dylan spends on his car:
Car = 1/5 of 2000 € = (1/5) * 2000 € = 400 €

Step 3: Calculate the amount of money Dylan spends on food:
Food = 20% of 2000 € = 0.20 * 2000 € = 400 €

Step 4: Calculate the total expenses:
Total expenses = Rent + Car + Food
Total expenses = 700 € + 400 € + 400 € = 1500 €

Step 5: Calculate what Dylan has left each month:
Amount left = Monthly salary - Total expenses
Amount left = 2000 € - 1500 € = 500 €

Therefore, Dylan has 500 € left each month after paying his expenses.