You are provided with the following hormones: kinetin, indole acetic acid, and GA1 . How will you use any of the hormones to cause the following responses:

1.1 acuimulation of an undifferentiated mass of cell
1.2 root development
1.3 shoot development

1.1 To accumulate an undifferentiated mass of cells, you can use the hormone kinetin. Kinetin is known for its role in promoting cell division and growth. By treating the cells with kinetin, you can stimulate their proliferation and prevent them from differentiating into specialized cell types. This will result in the accumulation of an undifferentiated mass of cells.

1.2 For root development, you can use indole acetic acid (IAA), which is a type of auxin hormone. Auxins are responsible for promoting the growth and development of roots. By applying IAA to the plant tissues, it will stimulate root cell elongation, enhance root branching, and overall promote root growth and development.

1.3 To stimulate shoot development, you can use GA1, which is a type of gibberellin hormone. Gibberellins play a crucial role in promoting shoot elongation and growth. By treating the plant tissues with GA1, it will enhance cell elongation in the shoots, promote expansion of leaves, and overall stimulate shoot development.

To achieve these responses using the given hormones, follow the steps outlined below:

1.1 Accumulation of an undifferentiated mass of cells:
You can use kinetin to promote the accumulation of an undifferentiated mass of cells. To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1: Prepare a culture media containing appropriate nutrients and growth regulators.
Step 2: Add kinetin to the culture media at a concentration of around 1-2 mg/L.
Step 3: Place the undifferentiated cells (such as callus cells) onto the culture media containing kinetin.
Step 4: Incubate the culture at an appropriate temperature (optimal for the specific cell type) and observe the undifferentiated mass of cells growing over time.

1.2 Root development:
Indole acetic acid (IAA) is a hormone that can stimulate root development. Here's how you can use IAA to promote root development:
Step 1: Prepare a solution of IAA with a concentration of 5-10 μM.
Step 2: Soak the plant cutting or seeds in the IAA solution for a suitable period (usually a few hours).
Step 3: Transfer the plant cutting or seeds to a growth medium (e.g., soil or agar containing nutrients).
Step 4: Provide appropriate growing conditions (such as adequate moisture and light) that favor root development.
Step 5: Monitor the growth of roots over time.

1.3 Shoot development:
Gibberellic acid (GA1) is a hormone that promotes shoot development. Follow the steps below to induce shoot development using GA1:
Step 1: Prepare a solution of GA1 with a concentration of 0.5-5 μM.
Step 2: Apply the GA1 solution to the shoot or bud of the plant.
Step 3: Ensure that the plant is provided with suitable conditions for growth (such as adequate light, temperature, and humidity).
Step 4: Observe shoot development over time, including the emergence of new shoots and the elongation of existing shoots.

Remember to always follow proper safety guidelines and use appropriate concentrations and techniques when working with plant hormones to achieve desired responses.