State the two affricate post/palatal alveolar consonants and their spelling symbols

The two affricate post/palatal alveolar consonants and their spelling symbols are:

1. Voiceless post-palatal affricate: [t͡ʃ]. It is represented in spelling by the letter combination "ch" in words like "chat" or "church."

2. Voiced post-palatal affricate: [d͡ʒ]. It is represented in spelling by the letter combination "j" in words like "job" or "jump."

The two affricate post/palatal alveolar consonants are:

1. Voiceless post-palatal affricate: The symbol for this consonant is [t͡ʃ], and it is typically represented by the letters "ch" in English words. Examples include "chop" and "chair."

2. Voiced post-palatal affricate: The symbol for this consonant is [d͡ʒ], and it is usually represented by the letters "j" or "dg" in English words. Examples include "jam" and "judge."