Solve the following proportion for u.

Round to the nearest 10th

To solve the proportion 10/u = 17/7 for u, cross multiply:

10 * 7 = 17 * u

70 = 17u

Now divide both sides of the equation by 17:

70/17 = u

u ≈ 4.1

Apologies for the oversight. To round the answer to the nearest tenth, we'll consider the decimal places after the tenths place.

Upon evaluating 70/17, the decimal result is approximately 4.1176. When rounded to the nearest tenth, it becomes 4.1. Therefore, the answer rounded to the nearest tenth is 4.1.

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Is the answer rounded to the nearest 10th

Thank you

To solve the proportion 10/u = 17/7 for u, we can set up a cross-multiplication equation.

First, cross-multiply:

7 * 10 = 17 * u


70 = 17u

To isolate u, divide both sides of the equation by 17:

70/17 = u

The solution for u is approximately 4.12 when rounded to the nearest tenth.

To solve the proportion 10/u = 17/7 for u, we can use cross-multiplication.

First, we multiply the numerator of the first fraction (10) by the denominator of the second fraction (7):

10 * 7 = 70

Next, we multiply the denominator of the first fraction (u) by the numerator of the second fraction (17):

u * 17 = 17u

Now we have:

70 = 17u

To solve for u, we need to isolate it. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 17:

70/17 = 17u/17

Simplifying the fraction on the left side gives:

4.1176 ≈ u

Therefore, the approximate value of u is 4.1 (rounded to the nearest tenth).