An item has a listed price of $70 if the sales tax rate is 6%, how much is the sales tax in dollars

To calculate the sales tax, you need to multiply the listed price by the sales tax rate.

Sales tax = Listed price * Sales tax rate

Sales tax = $70 * 0.06

Sales tax = $4.20

Therefore, the sales tax in dollars is $4.20.

To calculate the sales tax in dollars, you need to multiply the listed price of the item by the sales tax rate.

Step 1: Convert the sales tax rate from a percentage to a decimal.

The sales tax rate is given as 6%. To convert it to a decimal, divide it by 100:

6% ÷ 100 = 0.06

Step 2: Multiply the listed price by the sales tax rate.

$70 × 0.06 = $4.20

Therefore, the sales tax is $4.20.