While the GI Bill was created to assist in integrating all veterans back to civilian life, the percentage of Black veterans that benefitted from the GI Bill was less than that of white veterans. From the list below, choose the answer that best explains why this happened.

a) Discrimination and racism prevented Black veterans from accessing the same benefits as white veterans.

b) Black veterans were not interested in taking advantage of the GI Bill.
c) The GI Bill did not provide benefits specifically tailored to the needs of Black veterans.
d) Black veterans were not aware of the benefits available through the GI Bill.
e) None of the above.

The best explanation for why the percentage of Black veterans that benefitted from the GI Bill was less than that of white veterans is:

a. Discrimination and systemic racism: The GI Bill was implemented in the 1940s when racial segregation and discrimination were prevalent in American society. Black veterans faced barriers in accessing education and housing opportunities due to discriminatory practices. This limited their ability to fully utilize the benefits offered by the GI Bill, resulting in a lower percentage of Black veterans benefiting from it compared to white veterans.