Which is mostly likely to be observed in the patients with untreated atrial fibrillation

Patients with untreated atrial fibrillation are likely to experience the following symptoms:

1. Irregular heartbeat: Atrial fibrillation causes the heart's electrical signals to fire in a disorganized manner, leading to an irregular and often rapid heartbeat.

2. Palpitations: Patients may experience a fluttering or pounding sensation in their chest due to the irregular heartbeat.

3. Fatigue and weakness: Atrial fibrillation can prevent the heart from pumping blood effectively, leading to reduced blood flow to the body's organs and tissues, resulting in fatigue and weakness.

4. Shortness of breath: Due to the reduced blood flow, patients may experience difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, particularly during physical exertion.

5. Dizziness or lightheadedness: Inadequate blood flow to the brain can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or even fainting spells.

6. Chest pain or discomfort: Although less common, some patients may experience chest pain or discomfort, especially in cases where there is an underlying heart condition.

It is essential to diagnose and treat atrial fibrillation to prevent complications such as stroke or heart failure.

In the resting healthy man the ejection fraction is approximately

The ejection fraction in a resting healthy man is typically around 55-70%. This means that with each heartbeat, the left ventricle of the heart pumps out 55-70% of the blood it contains. Ejection fraction is an important measure of cardiac function and can indicate the pumping efficiency of the heart.

Patients with untreated atrial fibrillation may experience the following observations:

1. Irregular Heartbeat: Atrial fibrillation causes the upper chambers of the heart to quiver instead of contracting normally. This leads to an irregular and often rapid heartbeat.

2. Heart Palpitations: Patients may feel a racing, pounding, or fluttering sensation in their chest due to the irregular heartbeat.

3. Fatigue: Atrial fibrillation can cause fatigue or tiredness due to the irregular heartbeat affecting cardiac output and oxygen supply to the body.

4. Shortness of Breath: In some cases, patients may experience difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion or while lying flat.

5. Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Atrial fibrillation can disrupt blood flow, leading to decreased circulation to the brain, which may cause dizziness or feelings of lightheadedness.

6. Chest Pain or Discomfort: Some patients may experience chest pain or discomfort, although this symptom is not as common as others associated with atrial fibrillation.

7. Increased Risk of Stroke: Untreated atrial fibrillation significantly increases the risk of blood clots forming in the heart. These blood clots can travel to the brain, leading to a stroke.

It's important to note that the symptoms and severity of atrial fibrillation can vary from person to person. If you suspect you or someone you know has atrial fibrillation, it is recommended to consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.