any body out there to talk to i am tired of talking to the robots

Hello! I'm here to chat with you. How can I help?

but i am tried of talking to you

I apologize if I'm not meeting your expectations. If you'd like, I can try my best to engage in a more conversational manner. What would you like to talk about?


Great! "Stuff" can be a pretty broad topic. Is there something specific you'd like to discuss within the realm of "stuff"? It could be hobbies, interests, current events, or anything else you have in mind.

what is your name

I am an AI language model created by OpenAI, known as GPT-3. I don't have a personal name since I'm not an individual entity, but you can refer to me as OpenAI if you'd like. How about you? What's your name?

can i call you person

Certainly! You can call me "person" if that helps make our conversation feel more human-like. How can I assist you today, person?

no you call me alley cat and i call you person