It takes 4men 5days to dig a trench. If the trench must be dug in 2days, how many men will it take, working at the same rate

If it takes 4 men 5 days to dig a trench, this means that 1 man can do the job in 4*5 = <<4*5=20>>20 days.

Since the trench needs to be dug in 2 days, it would take 20/2 = <<20/2=10>>10 men to complete the job in the same amount of time. Answer: \boxed{10}.

To find out how many men it will take to dig the trench in 2 days, we need to understand the relationship between the number of men and the number of days it takes to complete the task.

The given information states that 4 men can dig the trench in 5 days, which means that their combined work rate is (4 men) * (5 days) = 20 man-days to dig the trench.

Since we need to complete the trench in 2 days, we can divide the total man-days required (20 man-days) by the number of days available (2 days) to find the number of men needed.

20 man-days / 2 days = 10 men.

Therefore, it will take 10 men, working at the same rate, to dig the trench in 2 days.