Find the sum of all odd numbers between 670 and 680

The odd numbers between 670 and 680 are 671, 673, 675, 677, and 679.

To find the sum of these numbers, we can add them up.

671 + 673 + 675 + 677 + 679 = 3375.

Therefore, the sum of all odd numbers between 670 and 680 is 3375.

To find the sum of all odd numbers between 670 and 680, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the odd numbers between 670 and 680. In this case, the odd numbers are 671, 673, 675, 677, and 679.

Step 2: Add up all the odd numbers:
671 + 673 + 675 + 677 + 679 = 3375

Therefore, the sum of all odd numbers between 670 and 680 is 3375.