A test has forty questions worth a total of 100 points. The test consists of True/False questions worth 3 points each and multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. How many multiple choice questions are on the test?

Let x be the number of multiple choice questions.

There are 40 - x true/false questions.
The multiple-choice questions are worth 2 * x = 2x points.
The true/false questions are worth 3 * (40 - x) = 120 - 3x points.
The total number of points on the test is 2x + 120 - 3x = 100.
Combining like terms, we get -x + 120 = 100.
Subtracting 120 from both sides, we get -x = -20.
Dividing both sides by -1, we get x = 20.
There are 20 multiple choice questions on the test. Answer: \boxed{20}.

Let's assume the number of multiple choice questions on the test as 'x'.

Since each multiple choice question is worth 2 points, the total points earned from multiple choice questions will be 2x.

Given that the test consists of 40 questions worth a total of 100 points, the total points earned from True/False questions will be 100 - 2x.

Also, the test consists of True/False questions worth 3 points each, so the number of True/False questions on the test will be (100 - 2x) / 3.

Since the total number of questions on the test is 40, the equation can be set up as follows:
x + (100 - 2x)/3 = 40.

Multiplying through by 3 to clear the fraction:
3x + 100 - 2x = 120.

Combining like terms:
x + 100 = 120.
x = 120 - 100.
x = 20.

Therefore, there are 20 multiple choice questions on the test.