Your motorbike breaks down five Km from your home. You use 400 N for the entire 60 minutes that it takes you to push this motorbike home. How powerful were you? How many Watts?

To calculate power, we can use the formula:

Power (P) = Force (F) x Distance (d) / Time (t)

Force (F) = 400 N
Distance (d) = 5 km = 5000 m
Time (t) = 60 min = 60 x 60 = 3600 s

Substituting the values into the formula:

Power (P) = 400 N x 5000 m / 3600 s

Power (P) = 2000 N·m / 3600 s

Power (P) = 0.5556 N·m/s

Power (P) = 0.5556 Watts

Therefore, you were exerting a power of 0.5556 Watts to push your motorbike home.

To determine how powerful you were in pushing the motorbike, we'll need to use the formula:

Power (P) = Force (F) * Distance (d) / Time (t)

Force (F) = 400 N
Distance (d) = 5 km = 5000 m
Time (t) = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds

First, let's convert the time from minutes to seconds:
Time (t) = 60 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 3600 seconds

Now, we can calculate the power using the formula mentioned above:
Power (P) = 400 N * 5000 m / 3600 s

Power (P) = (400 N * 5000 m) / 3600 s
= 2000000 Nm / 3600 s
= 555.56 Nm/s

Therefore, you were exerting a power of approximately 555.56 Watt while pushing the motorbike home.