Compare 468,119 and 468,191 using <, >, or =

Choose the best answer from the options below:
A <
B >
C =
D None of these

B >

To compare the numbers 468,119 and 468,191, we can start by comparing the digits from left to right.

The leftmost digit of both numbers is 4. Since they are the same, we move on to the next digit.

The second digit from the left is 6 in both numbers. Again, they are the same, so we continue comparing.

The third digit from the left is 8 in both numbers. Once again, they are equal.

Finally, the fourth digit from the left is 1 in the first number (468,119) and 9 in the second number (468,191).

Since 1 is less than 9, we can conclude that 468,119 is less than 468,191.

Therefore, the answer is A, < (less than).