If 1 mile equals 1,760 yards, then how many miles are in 11,088 yards?

0.6 miles
1.8 miles
6.3 miles
110 miles

To find the number of miles in 11,088 yards, we divide 11,088 by 1,760:

11,088 ÷ 1,760 = 6.3

Therefore, there are 6.3 miles in 11,088 yards. The correct answer is 6.3 miles.

To convert yards to miles, divide the number of yards by the number of yards in a mile.

In this case, 1 mile is equal to 1,760 yards. So, to find how many miles are in 11,088 yards, you divide 11,088 by 1,760.

11,088 ÷ 1,760 = 6.3

Therefore, there are 6.3 miles in 11,088 yards.

The correct answer is 6.3 miles.