Describe the reaction of the ‘echoes’ ( line 7) from the poem Solitude-Ella wheeler Wilcox to the prompts given

In the poem "Solitude" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the word "echoes" in line 7 refers to the response that nature reflects back to the poet. The narrator expresses their feelings of isolation and loneliness, and the echoes symbolize the reflection or mirroring of these emotions from the surroundings.

The prompts given to the echoes could be interpreted as various stimuli or cues for the natural surroundings to respond to. For example, if the prompt is the sound of the poet's sigh, the echoes would seemingly amplify and reflect the sadness or desolation felt by the poet. Similarly, if the prompt is the poet's cry of pain, the echoes would reverberate with a sympathetic melancholy.

The reaction of the echoes can also be seen as a metaphorical representation of the poet's desired connection to the world outside of their solitude. The prompts given could be a plea for companionship or understanding, and the echoes serve as a way for the poet to seek solace and empathy from nature. However, it is important to note that the echoes, being a reflection of the poet's inner emotions, might not provide the exact response or understanding they hope for.

Overall, the reaction of the "echoes" in the poem "Solitude" encapsulates the poet's yearning for a reciprocal connection with nature, where their emotions are echoed or reflected back to them in a way that offers comfort and understanding.

The poem "Solitude" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox does not explicitly mention the word "echoes" in line 7. However, it does mention "echoes" later in the poem. To provide a step-by-step analysis of the reaction of the "echoes" to the prompts given in the poem, we would need more information about the specific prompts mentioned. Can you provide more context or specific lines from the poem that mention the prompts?