True or false ?

A student is charting on the computer in the hallway on the unit. The student's patient turns on his emergency light. The student goes into the patient's room to answer the light without logging off the computer. This action is a violation of HIPAA policy.

False. This action is not a violation of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) policy. However, it is generally recommended for healthcare professionals to log off or lock their computer screens when leaving them unattended to ensure patient information remains secure.

This action may potentially be a violation of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) policy, as the student left the computer unattended without logging off. Unauthorized access to patient information could occur if someone else gains access to the unattended computer and the patient's information is visible. It is important to always follow HIPAA guidelines and protect patient privacy by logging off or locking the computer when leaving it unattended.