can double yolks egg has babys

No, a double yolk egg cannot hatch into a baby chick. Each yolk in an egg is potentially capable of developing into a chick if fertilized by a rooster, but the presence of two yolks in one egg does not necessarily mean that both are fertilized. Double yolk eggs are formed when a hen releases two yolks simultaneously, which can happen occasionally but is relatively rare. However, even if both yolks are fertilized, the chances of two embryos successfully developing within one egg are extremely unlikely.

No, a double yolk egg cannot have babies. The presence of a double yolk in an egg is a rare occurrence and happens when a chicken releases two yolks into the eggshell at the same time. It does not mean that the egg is fertilized or capable of developing into a baby chick. For an egg to develop into a baby, it needs to be fertilized by a rooster before it is laid by a hen.