1.2.inserted a footnote in the answer provided in 1.1.2. to display the name of two other search engines.

1.3.inserted page number in any appropriate a position.
1.4.inserted details in a header and produced a professional document with correct layout.

1.1.2. Google is one of the most popular search engines, but there are also other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo! which also provide search services.

1.2. {^1}Other popular search engines include Bing and Yahoo!.

1.3. (Page 2)


Header: Professional Document


Title: Comparison of Search Engines


In today's digital age, search engines play a crucial role in finding information online. This document aims to compare the features and strengths of different search engines to help users make informed decisions.

1. Google

1.1. Features
- Advanced search algorithms
- Comprehensive indexing
- Wide range of search options

1.2. Strengths
- Largest market share
- User-friendly interface
- Continual innovation and updates

1.3. Weaknesses
- Privacy concerns
- Ad-heavy search results
- Algorithm updates may impact rankings

2. Bing

2.1. Features
- Integration with Microsoft products
- Visual search options
- Strong focus on maps and local search

2.2. Strengths
- Integration with Windows operating system
- Different visuals on homepage
- Partnership with Yahoo!

2.3. Weaknesses
- Smaller market share
- Less comprehensive indexing
- Less popular in certain regions

3. Yahoo!

3.1. Features
- News and content aggregation
- Email and messenger integration
- Collaboration with Bing for search results

3.2. Strengths
- Wide variety of services
- Long-established brand
- Partnership with Bing for enhanced search results

3.3. Weaknesses
- Declining market share
- Limited improvements and updates
- Less relevant search results


While Google remains the dominant search engine, Bing and Yahoo! also offer unique features and partnerships that may cater to specific user preferences. It is important for individuals to consider their specific needs and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each search engine to make an informed choice.

{^1} Other popular search engines include Bing and Yahoo!.

(Page 2)

To insert a footnote in the answer provided in 1.1.2 and display the name of two other search engines:

1. Scroll to the point in the document where you want to insert the footnote (following the answer provided in 1.1.2).

2. Place your cursor at the end of the sentence or word where you want to insert the footnote.

3. In the toolbar at the top of the document, click on the "Insert" tab.

4. Look for the "Footnote" section and click on the "Insert Footnote" button. This will add a superscript number in the document and move your cursor to the bottom of the page or section, where you can enter the footnote text.

5. Type in the names of the two other search engines in the footnote section. For example, "Other popular search engines include Bing and Yahoo."

To insert a page number in an appropriate position:

1. Go to the top or bottom of the document where you want to insert the page number (e.g., in the header or footer).

2. In the toolbar at the top of the document, click on the "Insert" tab.

3. Look for the "Header & Footer" section and click on "Page Number" to open a drop-down menu.

4. Select the desired page number format (e.g., "Top of Page" or "Bottom of Page"). Choose the appropriate alignment for the page number (left, center, or right).

5. The page number will now appear in the header or footer of your document. You can adjust the position and formatting of the page number as needed.

To insert details in a header and produce a professional document with the correct layout:

1. Go to the top of the document where you want to insert the header.

2. In the toolbar at the top of the document, click on the "Insert" tab.

3. Look for the "Header & Footer" section and click on "Header" to open a drop-down menu.

4. Select the desired header style or format. This may include options for page numbers, document title, author name, company logo, etc.

5. Once you have selected a header style, you can start adding details such as the document title, author name, or other relevant information. Use the formatting options in the toolbar to control the layout and appearance of the header.

6. As you add details to the header, the text will appear on each page of the document, maintaining a consistent layout and professional look.

Make sure to save the document periodically to preserve your changes and formatting.